Volume 46, Number 1, 2021

Supplemental Information for

St. Elmo Brady (1884-1966). The First African American Chemistry Doctorate Recipient, pp83-107

  1. Chemical Genealogy for St. Elmo Brady
  2. Biographical Information-Chemical Genealogy for St. Elmo Brady
  3. Noyes Laboratory at the University of Illinois, National Historic Chemical Landmark, American Chemical Society, https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/noyeslaboratory.html (accessed Dec. 1, 2020).
  4. St. Elmo Brady A National Historic Chemical Landmark, https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/st-elmo-brady.html (accessed Dec. 1, 2020).
  5. An image showing Champaign and Urbana in 1913, cropped from the map found at https://digital.library.illinois.edu/items/459bd720-c576-0134-2373-0050569601ca-c. Black lines outline the "North End" and a red dot indicates the house Brady had a room in in 1916.
  6. St. Elmo Brady Publications, 1914-1954
  7. “Twenty Whites & One ‘Other’”: St. Elmo Brady, First African American Ph.D. in Chemistry, https://chemistry.illinois.edu/diversity-university-illinois
  8. St. Elmo Brady The First African American Chemist - A presentation given by Vera V. Mainz February 2022